Artificial Nature


The connection between man and nature has always been one of the most intriguing questions in landscape portrayal. I have always tried to answer questions such as, how can one discover the elements in a constructed landscape which can be a base for understanding themselves? And, to what extent can one alienate himself from nature? Introversion, Autotelism, and Withdrawal are just mere examples of how men get by the perspective of a passing.

When considering a long-term study of the photos, the viewer is left alone and overcome by a feeling of being cut out from existence. The effect of the various shadows creates an incomprehensible and perplexed state where men can retreat from reality and find themselves in the fabulous scenery.

Overall, this questions the vision of a natural spectacle. The lighting of the Moon indicates this. The light from the Moon is the element that amplifies the perception,  contrary to naturalism. In my diploma, the man is not entirely displayed. However, his presence can be perceived by the creation of the scenery. One is there merely as a bystander. If the viewer can abstract himself from the setting of the photo, how it was taken, and any emotions or thoughts portrayed by the photographer, the viewer might become the creator of the photos. It is only then that the viewer may find connections between himself and the scenery.