Becoming nature


My series looks upon the reinterpretation of old industrial buildings. Nature can overwrite man-made artificial constructions. Of course, this is becoming increasingly important over time. People can interpret this in two ways: On the one hand, it can be seen as a destructive, disruption of structure, cracking and hiding. And on the other hand, the power of nature is unparalleled. When it gets the chance to go to the remnants of human creation, nature can neglect and forget the breathtaking sights.

The phenomenon of my images and videos is the interpretation of this recognition. In all cases, this kind of predominance of nature can no longer be reversed or seen. I want to capture the ironic nature of this phenomenon, which, as far as this is concerned, has a real impact when it does not make its built environment further in utilizing it.

Over time, memories of buildings have faded, as people have working here years ago, memories belong to the building, coupled with its history. So I regarded that these memories somehow have to be put back in some way to these buildings. Therefore, archival images found in one of the factories were also involved in the final installation. Thus, the multimedia installation, in which past and present have the same importance, complement each other and can understand the process of reclaiming.