

What if I could bring the stars from the sky? That was the leading question swimming into focus during this research. I mean, where does this term come from, and what is its significance? As a result, I examined light pollution a great deal. I was incredibly interested in what it would look like when there are no stars in the sky.
At first, Astronomers drew my attention towards light pollution. It is known that light indeed spreads towards the sky because of irresponsible and excessive usage.
A leading factor into why we can hardly see the stars from towns and cities today.

The observation of the stars is nearly simultaneous with human evolution. Scholars have continuously observed the sky and have tried to draw a parallel between planetary and heavenly events. The motion of the stars has always been an object of attention since Antiquity. The entire sky divides into 88 constellations and additionally divides into 12 areas around the ecliptic. It is from this that the 12 zodiac signs emerged.

The reasoning behind why I chose the signs of the zodiac was because it is an existing structure in the sky, and curiously, it only lasts for a month. This sort of playfulness and ignorance intrigued me the most. I created all these elements artificially, and I placed all of them in an artificial environment. Therefore, everything invisible to the naked eye is reachable, aside from the zodiac sign for that month. These models are 2-3 metres wide, and the connecting bars, which made of plastic, is stained with phosphorescent paints, while each star point is a torch.